domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Drawing and Design: Art at Hand

This time I would like to share something that I really love to do. I think that almost every person on earth have at least one thing which they enjoy doing, mine are drawing and design. Since I was a child I have developed a fascination for drawing and design things. One of the things that I remember the most is my mom’s complaints due to my irresponsibility, I still remember that day when my mother almost died when she realized that I had all my notebooks scratched. Regardless that I love to elaborate things, I don't do it as much I would; time is a conditioning factor when it comes of create something. One of the things that I love of drawing is that you don't need to be the best, or to have a certain skill to do it. You just can do whatever comes from your mind, and the best part is that is really cheap. A pen and a piece of paper are all that you need to do whatever you want. In the other hand, photoshop has become a good friend of mine, and since I discovered it, I have developed a taste for it. I think that the combination between these two items (drawing and photoshop) is great, and I'm always discovering new ways of exploit them. To conclude with this reflection I have to say that until these days I'm still drawing and using photoshop, and I really enjoy make my classmates laugh with some funny stuff. So I guess I will be doing it for a while.   

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